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AMC 10 2010 A

Question 1

Mary???s top book shelf holds five books with the following widths, in centimeters: , , , , and . What is the average book width, in centimeters?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 2

Four identical squares and one rectangle are placed together to form one large square as shown. The length of the rectangle is how many times as large as its width?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 3

Tyrone had marbles and Eric had marbles. Tyrone then gave some of his marbles to Eric so that Tyrone ended with twice as many marbles as Eric. How many marbles did Tyrone give to Eric?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 4

A book that is to be recorded onto compact discs takes minutes to read aloud. Each disc can hold up to minutes of reading. Assume that the smallest possible number of discs is used and that each disc contains the same length of reading. How many minutes of reading will each disc contain?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 5

The area of a circle whose circumference is is . What is the value of ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 6

For positive numbers and the operation is defined as

What is ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 7

Crystal has a running course marked out for her daily run. She starts this run by heading due north for one mile. She then runs northeast for one mile, then southeast for one mile. The last portion of her run takes her on a straight line back to where she started. How far, in miles, is this last portion of her run?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 8

Tony works hours a day and is paid $ per hour for each full year of his age. During a six month period Tony worked days and earned $. How old was Tony at the end of the six month period?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 9

A palindrome, such as , is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. The numbers and are three-digit and four-digit palindromes, respectively. What is the sum of the digits of ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 10

Marvin had a birthday on Tuesday, May 27 in the leap year . In what year will his birthday next fall on a Saturday?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 11

The length of the interval of solutions of the inequality is . What is ?


The water tower holds 100000/0.1 = 1000000 times more water than Logan's miniature. Therefore, the height of Logan's miniature tower should be 1/ sqrt[3] of 1000000 = 1/100 the height of the actual tower, or 40/100.
  2017-01-05 17:31:09

Question 12

Logan is constructing a scaled model of his town. The city's water tower stands 40 meters high, and the top portion is a sphere that holds 100,000 liters of water. Logan's miniature water tower holds 0.1 liters. How tall, in meters, should Logan make his tower?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 13

Angelina drove at an average rate of km/h and then stopped minutes for gas. After the stop, she drove at an average rate of km/h. Altogether she drove km in a total trip time of hours including the stop. Which equation could be used to solve for the time in hours that she drove before her stop?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 14

Triangle has . Let and be on and , respectively, such that . Let be the intersection of segments and , and suppose that is equilateral. What is ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 15

In a magical swamp there are two species of talking amphibians: toads, whose statements are always true, and frogs, whose statements are always false. Four amphibians, Brian, Chris, LeRoy, and Mike live together in this swamp, and they make the following statements.

Brian: "Mike and I are different species."

Chris: "LeRoy is a frog."

LeRoy: "Chris is a frog."

Mike: "Of the four of us, at least two are toads."

How many of these amphibians are frogs?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 16

Nondegenerate has integer side lengths, is an angle bisector, , and . What is the smallest possible value of the perimeter?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 17

A solid cube has side length inches. A -inch by -inch square hole is cut into the center of each face. The edges of each cut are parallel to the edges of the cube, and each hole goes all the way through the cube. What is the volume, in cubic inches, of the remaining solid?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 18

Bernardo randomly picks 3 distinct numbers from the set and arranges them in descending order to form a 3-digit number. Silvia randomly picks 3 distinct numbers from the set and also arranges them in descending order to form a 3-digit number. What is the probability that Bernardo's number is larger than Silvia's number?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 19

Equiangular hexagon has side lengths and . The area of is of the area of the hexagon. What is the sum of all possible values of ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 20

A fly trapped inside a cubical box with side length meter decides to relieve its boredom by visiting each corner of the box. It will begin and end in the same corner and visit each of the other corners exactly once. To get from a corner to any other corner, it will either fly or crawl in a straight line. What is the maximum possible length, in meters, of its path?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 21

The polynomial has three positive integer roots. What is the smallest possible value of ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 22

Eight points are chosen on a circle, and chords are drawn connecting every pair of points. No three chords intersect in a single point inside the circle. How many triangles with all three vertices in the interior of the circle are created?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 23

Each of 2010 boxes in a line contains a single red marble, and for , the box in the position also contains white marbles. Isabella begins at the first box and successively draws a single marble at random from each box, in order. She stops when she first draws a red marble. Let be the probability that Isabella stops after drawing exactly marbles. What is the smallest value of for which ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 24

The number obtained from the last two nonzero digits of is equal to . What is ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Question 25

Jim starts with a positive integer and creates a sequence of numbers. Each successive number is obtained by subtracting the largest possible integer square less than or equal to the current number until zero is reached. For example, if Jim starts with , then his sequence contains numbers:

Let be the smallest number for which Jim???s sequence has numbers. What is the units digit of ?


  2020-07-09 06:35:50

Answer Keys

Question 1: D
Question 2: B
Question 3: D
Question 4: B
Question 5: E
Question 6: C
Question 7: C
Question 8: D
Question 9: E
Question 10: E
Question 11: D
Question 12: C
Question 13: A
Question 14: C
Question 15: D
Question 16: B
Question 17: A
Question 18: B
Question 19: E
Question 20: D
Question 21: A
Question 22: A
Question 23: A
Question 24: A
Question 25: B